Yesterday I was talking to a workshop about implementing Risk Mitigation capabilities into your own Advanced Functions in PowerShell. This got me thinking about how to identify the commands that have that capability enabled. More importantly the configuration of the ConfirmImpact setting.
If you don't know PowerShell uses a number of inputs when determining how the Risk Mitigation capabilities are applied.
For the WhatIf capability it is purely the presence of the -WhatIf switch parameter.
For the Confirm capability it is a combination of the ConfirmImpact value in the [CmdLetBinding()] attribute and the $ConfirmPreference variable value. Or the presence of -Confirm parameter
The following command we show all commands with the RiskMitigation capability.
We can extend this further to retrieve the ConfirmImpact value however this is not exposed through a Parameter on the command object and can only be retrieved from the source definition. Unfortunately for CmdLets this is not exposed as they are compiled. This will work though for Functions so you can check your own commands etc.
This pipeline command uses the RegEx type accelerator and Match static member but similar could be achieved with the -Match operator.
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If you don't know PowerShell uses a number of inputs when determining how the Risk Mitigation capabilities are applied.
For the WhatIf capability it is purely the presence of the -WhatIf switch parameter.
For the Confirm capability it is a combination of the ConfirmImpact value in the [CmdLetBinding()] attribute and the $ConfirmPreference variable value. Or the presence of -Confirm parameter
The following command we show all commands with the RiskMitigation capability.
Get-Command | Where-Object {$PsItem.Parameters.Keys.Count -gt 0 -and $PsItem.Parameters.ContainsKey('WhatIf')}
We can extend this further to retrieve the ConfirmImpact value however this is not exposed through a Parameter on the command object and can only be retrieved from the source definition. Unfortunately for CmdLets this is not exposed as they are compiled. This will work though for Functions so you can check your own commands etc.
Get-Command -CommandType Function | ` Where-Object {$PsItem.Parameters.Keys.Count -gt 0 -and $PsItem.Parameters.ContainsKey('WhatIf')} | ` Select-Object -Property Name,CommandType,@{Name="Impact";Expression={[Regex]::Match($PSItem.Definition, "(ConfirmImpact='(?<impact>.{1,})'{1})").Groups["Impact"].Value}}
This pipeline command uses the RegEx type accelerator and Match static member but similar could be achieved with the -Match operator.
Legal Stuff: As always the contents of this blog is provided “as-is”. The information, opinions and views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily state or reflect those of any other company with affiliation to the products discussed. This includes any URLs or Tools. The author does not accept any responsibility from the use of the information or tools mentioned within this blog, and recommends adequate evaluation against your own requirements to measure suitability.