Monday, July 21, 2014

TSQL to suggest optimal MaxServerMemory value

A while ago a colleague of mine wrote a TSQL script to help with suggesting a MaxServerMemory value and a little less time ago we worked together to re-write that script for SQL 2012. While I haven't "checked" it against SQL 2014 the principals are the same, and the reason I am blogging it today is because I am always looking for the script or URL to direct people to so this post makes that easier :)

Of cause there is no black and white recommendation for MaxServerMemory as it is workload dependent. However this script can assist with understanding what that workload requirement is within a SQL Server Instance, please ensure you carefully consider all other memory needs of the server such as additional SQL Instances, and services such as AV, Backups, Monitoring, etc.


--@pg_size INT, 
@Instancename varchar(50),
--@RecMem int,
@MaxMem int,
@MaxRamServer int,
@sql varchar(max),
@SQLVersion tinyint

SELECT @SQLVersion = @@MicrosoftVersion / 0x01000000  -- Get major version

-- SELECT physical_memory_kb as ServerRAM_KB from sys.dm_os_sys_info
-- SELECT @pg_size = low from master..spt_values where number = 1 and type = 'E'
-- SELECT @Instancename = LEFT([object_name], (CHARINDEX(':',[object_name]))) FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters WHERE counter_name = 'Buffer cache hit ratio'
PRINT '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
PRINT 'Optimal MaxServermemory Setting for SQL Server instance ' + @@SERVERNAME  + ' (' + CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') AS VARCHAR) + ' - ' +  SUBSTRING(@@VERSION, CHARINDEX('X',@@VERSION),4)  + ' - ' + CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('edition') AS VARCHAR) + ')'
PRINT '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

IF @SQLVersion = 11
 PRINT '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 PRINT 'Total Memory on the Server (MB)' 
 EXEC sp_executesql N'set @_MaxRamServer= (select physical_memory_kb/1024 from sys.dm_os_sys_info)', N'@_MaxRamServer int OUTPUT', @_MaxRamServer = @MaxRamServer OUTPUT
 Print @MaxRamServer
 PRINT '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
IF @SQLVersion in (10,9)
 PRINT '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 PRINT 'Total Memory on the Server (MB)' 
 EXEC sp_executesql N'set @_MaxRamServer= (select physical_memory_in_bytes/1024/1024 from sys.dm_os_sys_info)', N'@_MaxRamServer int OUTPUT', @_MaxRamServer = @MaxRamServer OUTPUT
 Print @MaxRamServer
 PRINT '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 PRINT 'Script only supports SQL Server 2005 or later.'

--SELECT @RecMem=physical_memory_kb/1024 from sys.dm_os_sys_info

SET @MaxMem = CASE 
    WHEN @MaxRamServer < = 1024*2 THEN @MaxRamServer - 512  /*When the RAM is Less than or equal to 2GB*/
    WHEN @MaxRamServer < = 1024*4 THEN @MaxRamServer - 1024 /*When the RAM is Less than or equal to 4GB*/
    WHEN @MaxRamServer < = 1024*16 THEN @MaxRamServer - 1024 - Ceiling((@MaxRamServer-4096) / (4.0*1024))*1024 /*When the RAM is Less than or equal to 16GB*/

 -- My machines memory calculation
 -- RAM= 16GB
 -- Case 3 as above:- 16384 RAM-> MaxMem= 16384-1024-[(16384-4096)/4096] *1024
 -- MaxMem= 12106

    WHEN @MaxRamServer > 1024*16 THEN @MaxRamServer - 4096 - Ceiling((@MaxRamServer-1024*16) / (8.0*1024))*1024 /*When the RAM is Greater than or equal to 16GB*/
 SET @sql='
EXEC sp_configure ''Show Advanced Options'',1;
EXEC sp_configure ''max server memory'','+CONVERT(VARCHAR(6), @maxMem)+';

PRINT '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
PRINT 'Optimal MaxServerMemory Setting for this instance of SQL' 
Print (@sql) 
PRINT '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

Ping back to Tara S. Jana's site

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